Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Week 87

This week was another crazy week!  I don't even know were to begin!!
Ok so we are teaching a part member family.  She speaks spanish and we are the only half spanish companionship so we are teaching her.  Her name is Jasmin, she's 17 and her family lives in mexico but she lives with her aunt.  She's been taught for a while now an this last week, we brought over the young women's president and Jasmin decited she wants to be baptized on Dec 17!! It was awesome.  She was crying and really nervous but the spirit confirmed to her that it was true.  The young womens president after the lesson was like wow Elders that was awesome!  Thank you for that experience.  She is also the principle of one of the school systems down here so she knows like everyone!!  She later told us a miracle that happened to her.. She remembered having helped a family a while ago and just hearing that they were going thru a hard time.  She knew they lived in the area but didnt remember where... So we left and as she sat in the car she bowed her head to pray to ask for guidence on where to go so that she could find that family... Well when she looked up, the women was standing there in the window and just turned on the light so that she could see her face... So Sister Hipp (the young womens pres) went inside and met with her and the women inside wants us to go over and teach her the gospel and help her!!!!  It was such an amazing miacle to see the power and the timing in which the lord works.  Our lesson had been postponed from sunday to monday night.  Had been in the perfect moment so that Sister Hipp could see her friend.  We had feld that we should take sister hipp to the lesson with jasmin.  As we brought sister hipp to a lesson, we were able to gain her trust and she was willing to go out and do missionary work.  Now with just her alone, we've found 2 families to teach and Jasmin has a baptismal date for the 17!  I cannot believe the miracles that are happening.  

Viri came to the second hour of church and wants to be baptized on christamas eve and they are just progressing so well.  It's such a blessing to see so many miracles...

Crazy Mission story of the week, One of the spanish elders in a district that i had in baltimore had to go home early this last week.  He was from Mexico... His fiancee who was living in Mexico was murdered this last week by a stalker... Stabbed with a knife.  President called us at 12:30 pm to find him because I needed to translate for the people that had dropped him off at the airport because he desired to leave that night and didnt want to wait for a plane ticket. so he did everything backwards... Well at 1:30am we had to go get him from the office because president had to pick him up from the airport and get his greencard... cuz he's from mexico... At 3:30 am we drove him to his flight.. I'm still tired... But I reallly feel for him.. I can't imagine what he must be going thru and i count my blessings every day.  I've heard from him since and he is doing better.  I hope we can all realize the  blessings that come in and out of our lives with an eternal perspective that as we are obedient to the commandments of the lord, we will face adversity, but we can overcome it all with the help of the atonement.  Hope you have a great week!!
Elder Cornejo

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